Welcome to the Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) for Stretton State College
The P&C is a vital part of the College Community, providing an essential forum between the Local Community, the Executive Principal, Teachers & other Staff and of course, the Students.
All profits raised by the P&C are utilised for the betterment of your children's education, wellbeing and enjoyment of their College surrounds.
General meetings
We encourage all parents or guardians to attend our P&C meetings. Information about meetings are:
Venue: Illaweena Campus Library
- Time: Date and Times to be confirmed
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is historically held on the first meeting of each calendar year.
If you would like to make a Submission for consideration by the P&C at our next meeting, please complete the Submission Form and drop it into either office, or email (strettoncollegepandc@gmail.com).
We hope to see you soon.
President: Liz Herring
Vice Presidents: Rhonda Swainson
Treasurer: Winnie Yunhee Jung
Secretary: Sharon Lau
P&C forms and documents
All About the P&C
Do you know what the Stretton P&C is all about?
The following document aims to promote Stretton P&C and the work that they have done and continue to do within our school community.