
Vocational education


Stretton State College offers a range of Vocational Education and Training opportunities for students. These include school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, work experience/structured work placement, stand-alone vocational education programs at school and TAFE programs.

Senior Schooling Office

The Senior Schooling Office offers a ‘one- stop’ shop for students and provides information about the range of options available including work experience, school-based traineeships and apprenticeships, short course vocational education programs and TAFE offerings. The office provides the opportunity for students with TAFE or training commitments to complete course work and be cased managed by Stretton State College staff.

School-based apprenticeshops and traineeships

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships provide students with the opportunity to commence their chosen apprenticeship or traineeship prior to leaving school. Students can commence their career path by combining school, paid work and off-the-job training. The students may attend school four days per week, work one day, with training supervised by a Registered Training Organisation. These arrangements can be modified to suit the needs of the students and the employer if necessary. On completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship, students are eligible to receive a nationally recognised qualification. Any competencies that are completed prior to leaving at the end of Year 12 can contribute to the Queensland Certificate of Education.

Structured work placement/work experience

Structured Work Placement is unpaid work that provides students with the opportunity to experience the workplace in an area that they feel they may be interested in pursuing in the future. The experience allows students to explore career paths, gain knowledge, skills and values relevant to the workplace, increase their confidence and make contacts that could lead to future jobs. Students go out on Structured Work Placement one day per week. These programs are managed by the Senior Schooling Office and all enquiries should be directed to the office.

TAFE Programs

A range of vocational courses (Certificate, Diploma programs) are offered to senior secondary students by TAFE Institutes.  Each of the Institutes will advertise expressions of interest in 2018 to commence in 2019. Students must complete Expressions of Interest in 2018 to be eligible to commence in 2019.  Students will receive an enrolment pack from TAFE and enrolment will be confirmed by TAFE when payment of fees is received by TAFE (before the course commences).  Students can gain information regarding these courses at the Senior Schooling Office or by visiting the websites provided. All TAFE programs must be approved through by application via the Senior Schooling Office.


Vanessa Garvie

Head of Department - Senior Schooling

Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Manager

RTO - #31852 

Phone: (07) 37230245


Last reviewed 30 June 2021
Last updated 30 June 2021