Contacting the P&C
There are many ways to contact the P&C:
- Call the school office - Gowan (07) 3723 0333 or Illaweena (07) 3723 0222 and leave a message;
- Send an Email to: This email address is being protected from spam;
Please feel free to leave suggestions or comments - all feedback is appreciated.
Join us at one of our P&C meetings mentioned on our Welcome Page.
We understand that Parent Volunteers are an integral part of the success of any fundraising events that we hold throughout the year.
Stretton Volunteers is an ever-growing group of parents, grandparents, and friends within our College Community who are able to help out with the above fundraising projects during the course of the year. On Facebook, Stretton Volunteers is a “closed group” and is used as a central communication hub for anyone within the Stretton State College Community who may be able to volunteer their time at various fundraising events, in the Canteens or Uniform Shop throughout the year!
If you are a non-Facebook user, we also communicate via email through:
It’s easy to join - either send a Friend Request via Facebook, or email at the Gmail address above to be added to the recipient list. Even if you still have children at home, you are welcome to bring them along, we can always find plenty for them to do as well. We hope you can join our ever-growing Stretton Volunteers Group and look forward to meeting you soon.
Our Motto: "Volunteers don’t just DO the work, they MAKE it work…..TOGETHER".
The College can always use a hand from you at some point throughout the year, you just need to get on board!
Here are some other ways you can help out at the College throughout the year... perhaps with one or more of the following:
Changing Home Readers
Library Assistance
Assisting Teachers in Classrooms with Home Readers
Processing Student Banking
Co-ordinate Scholastic Book Club Orders
Assist in the Canteen
Help out in the Uniform Shop
Interpret for children, where English is their 2nd language
Attend Parent Afternoon Group to help teachers prepare for classes
Help the P&C with Fundraising Events (Stall Helpers, counters, etc)
Thank you for your time - looking forward to a fun and fabulous fundraising year!
We hope to meet you soon!