Lighthouse Academic Excellence Program
Year 4-9
The purpose of this program is to allow highly capable students opportunities to extend themselves in fields that are of interest to them, whilst developing thinking skills and being exposed to experiences that expand their horizons in all areas of their school life. The Lighthouse Curriculum Program focuses on developing, extending and enriching knowledge acquisition and higher order thinking from Years 4-9. Students are grouped with like-minded learners who are encouraged to extend their experiences beyond the classroom. There is one Lighthouse class per Year level with access to virtual classrooms and resources including preloaded content and extension tasks to enable them to pre-read, accelerate assessment timelines and extend in project areas of interest.
The aim of the Lighthouse Program is to provide an academically rigorous program for students in Years 4-9 who have demonstrated a strong interest and commitment towards their studies. The program is designed to broaden and deepen students’ knowledge in English, Maths, Science and Humanities (in particular) allowing them to make a successful transition into the senior school and beyond.
The program is specifically designed to develop 21st Century learners by maximising intellectual potential in an environment that promotes a strong culture of academic excellence. Applicants are assessed on academic results, behaviour, attitude and an exam. We encourage all Lighthouse students to be ‘excellent’ in all facets of the school community and leaders in upholding our Stretton SPIRIT values.
Academic Excellence
Stretton State College proudly promotes academic excellence through a range of experiences where bright young students are challenged to fulfil their academic potential and make connections with their future pathways. Stretton State College has a goal of creating 21st century employees, employers and entrepreneurs. The Lighthouse Academic Excellence Program prepares students for the digital world as well as ensuring that they will be highly numerate, literate and creative.
Who should apply?
Current or prospective students in Years 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 who are performing well academically and are highly motivated.
Students who enjoy a challenging learning environment.
Students who enjoy activities that focus on intellectual local, national and global issues.
How do students apply?
The application process for positions in the 2026 Lighthouse program will occur in term 2. Information will be provided through the website.
Please note this important information:
- Students who are currently in the Lighthouse Program will need to re-apply for the following year.
- Students who are not already enrolled at the
College MUST be within the Stretton State College catchment to apply for the
Lighthouse Program. Any applications for new students out of catchment will not
be accepted.
- If applying for multiple students to participate in the program, please complete an application form for each student individually, rather than one application form for a family group.
Before completing the online application form, families will need to collect a receipt number in exchange for the $25 application fee per student. Payments should be made using the QKR App - details of how to use the App can be found on this instruction page: QKR instructions.pdf
Selection procedure
Places within the Lighthouse Academic Excellence Program are very competitive, with a large number of students applying each year. Students are required to complete an “on demand" short writing task (years 4 - 6 only) and undertake the Australian Council for Educational Research General Ability Test. The General Ability Test assesses student ability to use verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning, giving a comprehensive picture of each students' general ability.
In addition to the General Ability Test and short writing task, school based academic data will also be considered in determining positions within the program. Places may also be offered based on merit, academic performance, behaviour and effort during 2021/2022/2023,2024 should places become available during the year.
Lighthouse positions are awarded annually. Excellent academic performance and learning behaviours must be maintained to ensure their position in the program remains current for the entire year.
Writing task and ACER General Ability Test (AGAT)
Each year students undertake a combination of a writing task and also the ACER General Ability Test (AGAT) as part of the Lighthouse Program selection process.
Program costs
A contribution fee of $250.00, in addition to the Student Resource Scheme, is payable upon acceptance into the program. The additional Lighthouse contribution fee is payable in each subsequent year that the student is part of the program. This contribution fee covers the costs of competition entries, additional excursions, additional testing, and extension projects. Successful students are also issued with a program badge that they are able to wear on their school uniform.
It is a condition of entry into the Lighthouse program that students participate in three ICAS Tests (Maths, English and Science) per year. Fees for these tests are covered in your contribution fee.
Please note that unfortunately we are not able to accept credit card details over the phone.
ICT Device
All Lighthouse students will be required to supply their own ICT device as part of our BYOD Program.
- For Years 4 and 5 the approved device is an iPAD only
- For Years 6-9 a range of devices are acceptable
For clarification or discussion around device selection please contact our
E-Learning HOD: Luke Fleming (Gowan Campus) or Courtney Underwood (Illaweena Campus) on (07) 3723 0222.